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The social structure of Free and Open Source Software development. First Monday, 10. Retrieved de
. (2005). Social structure of Free and Open Source Software development.pdf (506.96 KB)Social dynamics of free and open source team communications. In Proceedings of the IFIP Second International Conference on Open Source Systems (pp. 319-330). Lake Como, Italy, 8-9 June.
. (2006). SocialDynamics.pdf (268.56 KB)Self-organization of teams in free/libre open source software development. Information And Software Technology Journal: Special Issue On Understanding The Social Side Of Software Engineering, Qualitative Software Engineering Research, 49(6), 564–575.
. (2007). 060918.pdf (282.58 KB)Social dynamics of FLOSS team communication across channels. In Proceedings of the IFIP 2.13 Working Conference on Open Source Software (OSS) (pp. 131-142). Milan, Italy, 7-10 September: Springer Boston.
. (2008). DSNAWigginsIFIP.pdf (417.27 KB)Stigmergic coordination in FLOSS development teams: Integrating explicit and implicit mechanisms. Cognitive Systems Research, 38, 14–22.
. (2016). COGSYS-RS-(HHS)-(2015)-(3).pdf (218.8 KB)