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Assessing the health of open source communities. Ieee Computer, 39(5), 89-91.
. (2006). 
Asynchronous Decision-Making in Distributed Teams (Poster). In Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.
. (2008). 
Building a collaboratory for research on open source software development (Poster). In eSocial Science Conference.
. (2007). 
Collaboration through superposition: How the IT artifact as an object of collaboration affords technical interdependence without organizational interdependence. Mis Quarterly, 38(1), 29-50.
. (2014). 
Collaboration Using OSSmole: A repository of FLOSS data and analyses. In Symposium on Mining Software Repositories. Presented at the Symposium on Mining Software Repositories, St. Louis.
. (2005). 
. (2006).
Howison_LinuxWorldAsiaBW.pdf (575.23 KB)

Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
. (2005). 

Core and periphery in Free/Libre and Open Source software team communications. In Proceedings of the 39th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-39).
. (2006). 
Cross-repository data linking with RDF and OWL: Towards common ontologies for representing FLOSS data. In WoPDaSD (Workshop on Public Data at International Conference on Open Source Software). Presented at the WoPDaSD (Workshop on Public Data at International Conference on Open Source Software).
. (2008). 
Decision Making Paths in Self-Organizing Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Open Source Systems.
. (2008). 
Defining Open Source Software project success. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
. (2003). 
eResearch workflows for studying free and open source software development. In Proceedings of the IFIP 2.13 Working Conference on Open Source Software (OSS).
. (2008). 
. (2007).
Howison_HBS_self_reg_poster2.pdf (168.95 KB)

Effective work practices for FLOSS development: A model and propositions. In Proceedings of the 38th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
. (2005). 

Effective work practices for software engineering ( ). In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Interdisciplinary software engineering research (WISER '04) (18).
. (2004). 
Emergent decision-making practices in Free/Libre Open Source Software FLOSS development teams. In Proceedings of the IFIP 3rd International Conference on Open Source Software.
. (2007). 
Emergent decision-making practices in technology-supported self-organizing distributed teams. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
. (2006). 
eSocialScience for Free/Libre Open Source Software researchers. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science.
. (2008). 
Face-to-face interactions in self-organizing distributed teams. In Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, HI.
. (2005). 
Free/Libre Open Source Software Development: What we know and what we do not know. Acm Computing Surveys, 44.
. (2012). 

Group Maintenance in Technology-Supported Distributed Teams. In Proceedings of the Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
. (2008). 
Heartbeat: Measuring Active User Base and Potential User Interest in FLOSS Projects ( ). In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS) (pp. 94-104).
. (2009). 
Hierarchy and centralization in Free and Open Source Software team communications. Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 18, 65–85.
. (2006). 
Information systems success in Free and Open Source Software development: Theory and measures. Software Process–Improvement And Practice, 11, 123–148.
. (2006).