Submitted Research Proposals
Leadership and learning in distributed teams: The case of Open Source Software Development
Unfunded proposal to ARI, 2004
Investigating the Dynamics of Open Source Software Development Teams
Unfunded proposal to NSF Human and Social Dynamics Program, 2004.
Effective work practices for Open Source Software development
Proposal to NSF Digital Society and Technologies. Funded as IIS 04–14468.
Investigating Innovation in Free/Libre Open Source Software Development Teams
Unfunded proposal to the National Science Foundation, Innovation and Organizational Change program, 2005.
DHB: Investigating the Dynamics of Free/Libre Open Source Software Development Teams
Proposal to the NSF Human and Social Dynamics program. Funded as IIS 05-27457.
Group Maintenance in Cyber-infrastructure-supported Distributed Groups
Unfunded proposal to the National Science Foundation, Innovation and Organizational Change program, 2006.
Collaborative Research:CRI:CRD: Data and Analysis Archive for Research on Free and Open Source Software and Its Development
Proposal to the NSF Computing Research Infrastructure (with Megan Squire, Elon). Funded as NSF CNS Grant 07–08437
Group Maintenance to Support Innovation by Cyber-infrastructure-supported Distributed Groups
Unfunded proposal to the NSF Innovation and Organizational Change program, 2007
DHB: Investigating socialization of new members into self-organizing technology-supported distributed teams
Proposal to NSF Human and Social Dynamics Program, Dynamics of Human Behaviour, 2008.
III-CXT - Small: Semi-automated coding of qualitative data to study group maintenance in self-organizing distributed teams
Proposal to NSF Program on Information and Intelligent Systems, Information Integration and Informatics, 2008