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Howison, J. (2008). Cross-repository data linking with RDF and OWL: Towards common ontologies for representing FLOSS data. In WoPDaSD (Workshop on Public Data at International Conference on Open Source Software). Presented at the WoPDaSD (Workshop on Public Data at International Conference on Open Source Software).
PDF icon howison2008cross-repositor.pdf (212.43 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., & Howison, J.. (2006). Core and periphery in Free/Libre and Open Source software team communications. In Proceedings of the 39th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-39).
PDF icon CoreAndPeripheryInFreeLibre.pdf (290.75 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, Y., & Howison, J.. (2005). Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (115.49 KB)PDF icon Slides.pdf (942.29 KB)
Howison, J. (2008). Cross-repository data linking with RDF and OWL: Towards common ontologies for representing FLOSS data. In WoPDaSD (Workshop on Public Data at International Conference on Open Source Software). Presented at the WoPDaSD (Workshop on Public Data at International Conference on Open Source Software).
PDF icon howison2008cross-repositor.pdf (212.43 KB)
Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, Y., & Howison, J.. (2005). Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
PDF icon Paper.pdf (115.49 KB)PDF icon Slides.pdf (942.29 KB)